Advocacy and Media
The PCBC works on behalf of Members as the peak body advocating for owners of General Practice providers.
The impetus to the formation of the PCBC was the crisis that is being faced in primary healthcare - general practice funding has reached a tipping point for providers, doctors and consumers.
The PCBC represents the majority of corporate medical centres operating in Australia. This is the first time the largest members of the sector have come together as a single voice.
Corporate medical centres are a vital and integral component in the delivery of primary care and the PCBC’s members operate nearly 800 General Practices in every state and territory, in inner city and metropolitan areas as well as rural and remote locations. Engaging with more than 4,800 GPs, PCBC’s members provide contracted services to over 20 per cent of the Australian GP workforce.
Contact Us
To get in touch, please email Jannette Cotterell